Chronic Pain Specialists

Many chronic pain patients turn to a pain specialist, who can prescribe medications and provide other treatment options to ease pain. Specialists may also provide physical therapy and other medical services, such as in-home care, in addition to managing chronic pain. Chronic pain specialist are also more likely to be experts in the latest treatment options. Many people struggle with chronic pain. The pain is the result of an injury, a condition, or another cause, and can cause a variety of symptoms that can be debilitating. Chronic pain specialist physicians are trained to help their patients manage their pain and to address the underlying causes of their condition. The specialists are able to use a variety of treatments, including physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, and prescription drugs. They are also able to provide emotional support to their patients and provide them with coping skills. Some of the most common types of orthopedic pain that a doctor may prescribe for a pa...